Tu Negocio es Nuestro Negocio
Central office and of Commercialization
Maderasudamerica- Spain
TELEPHONES: - +34623486257 + +34657740266
Agente Comercial:- Victoria Josefina Taramasco Olano
DIRECTOR :- protonmaderas@protonmail.com
We work wood fundamentally; radiata pine; patula pine; tectona grandis teak; cedrela odorata (royal cedar); mascarey; raintree; Lignum vitae; balm; ipe; Jatobá and Balsa from Ecuador.
Our contacts and work for more than 30 years give us the possibility of doing good business in grains such as soybeans; Corn; Barley and Wheat.
Currently we can supply Sunflower and Soybean Edible Oils from Brazil and Argentina.
We carry out sales management of Productive Fields in Argentina; and the sale of Plantations in Harvest Age of Teak and Pine Radiata.
We are currently venturing into the Gold Mines Sales Business and even carrying out some business for the sale of supplies for the mining industry.